West Town-Humboldt Park and Southeast Community Needs Assessment Findings
Read the Coalition’s findings on the mental health needs of the West Town-Humboldt Park community and Southeast community. This report was conducted using interviews with community leaders and surveys with local residents. Read their executive summaries here.
CBS NEWS CHICAGO: Coverage Of Two New Expanded Mental Health Services Programs on the South Side of Chicago
How Expanded Mental Health Services Programs (EMHSP) Work
Expanded Mental Health Services Programs give Chicago communities the ability to initiate, fund, and oversee their own community mental health center.
Current and In-progress EMHSPS
The Coalition has helped eight communities create EMHSPs . When these programs are fully-implemented, they will serve a population of over 1,000,000 Chicago residents!
About the Coalition
The Coalition to Save Our Mental Health Centers has been working to restore and expand mental health services in Chicago communities since 1991.
Learn more about the Coalition’s history.